Filmography (selected)
Ernst Hunsicker

The Healer between the Worlds, 2010, 60 minutes
The title refers to the film's main protagonist, Dr. Valentin Hampejs, an Austrian neurologist and
psychiatrist who has become renowned for successfully treating drug addiction, alcoholism, multiple sclerosis and endogenous depression using South American shamanic rituals and the sacred plants Ayahuasca and San Pedro. The documentary shows him performing these rituals for a group participants from all over the world who want to gain first-hand experience with his methods.
The film has been featured at various festivals, including the Ethnological Film Festival in Munich, where several additional screenings were arranged due to popular demand, and the Ciné Vidéo Psy Festival in France. It was also shown on television several times in Poland (Canal+) and the Czech Republic (Ceska televize) in 2011/2012 and did remarkably well in both countries – actually even beating the lavish Hollywood production The Doors starring Johnny Depp in the ratings in Poland.
Directed by Ernst Hunsicker. Edited by Ernst Hunsicker and Michaela Jordan
Cinematography: Ernst Hunsicker. Score: Arpad Bondy.
Goodbye Sauvage, 2006, 15 minutes
Goodbye Sauvage uses poetic images and music to trace the journey of a young woman and as she climbs Spain's highest peak, Mount Teide on Tenerife, with her infant, and premiered at the international film festival "Kino im Fluss – Cinéfleuve" in Saarbrücken in 2007.
Directed and edited by Ernst Hunsicker. Cinematography: Ernst Hunsicker
The Land of Many Waters, 2001, 60 minutes
Based on footage filmed during Amerindian Heritage Month in Guyana in 1995, The Land of Many Waters was selected for the Docs for Sale market at the International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam (IDFA) in 2005.
Directed and edited by Ernst Hunsicker. Cinematography: Ernst Hunsicker. Sound: Stephen Snell.
In the Land of the Gurus, 1999, 45 minutes
The documentary follows a young woman and her trek through the Indian part of the Himalayas. After it first aired on prime time television on Germany's SWR channel in 1999, it was broadcast numerous times on other public TV channels in Germany. In addition, it was shown at the Himalaya Film Festival
in Amsterdam to a sold-out house in 2004.
Written, directed and edited by Ernst Hunsicker. Cinematography and Sound: Ernst Hunsicker
Hauenstein. Das Herz im südlichen Pfälzer Wald, 1998, 40 minutes
The film portrays the town of Hauenstein and illustrates how its fortunes have historically been closely tied to those of Germany's shoe manufacturing industry.
Written, directed and edited by Ernst Hunsicker. Cinematography and Sound: Ernst Hunsicker